6 new presets to “wow” your photos

I’ve been sitting here for hours now. Playing around in Lightroom, testing and adjusting before I finally got satisfied. Photoshop have a nice feature called “Curve adjustments” where you can change the color channels (RGB) separately with a few clicks with your mouse. I really wish Lightroom had that feature built in. Anyway, I started this session by doing some curve adjustments in Photoshop. When I was satisfied I tried to accomplish the same result in Lightroom. It’s really not that easy, I can tell for sure. A couple hours of testing and I’m sitting here with 6 new presets. Actually it is a set of three presets with two options each; one with vingettes and one without.

For this specific preset collection I have made a special preview image with more than one example/sooc image. It gives you a better grip of how they work on different photos. I hope you like them.

Click image to view full size

PH Fashion shot (270792 downloads )

If you are a Lightroom lover like myself you probably going to adore this place. It's the paradise for all people who are looking for Lightroom presets. Make sure you subscribe to my posts to be first with the latest contributions. I wish you a very pleasant stay. Regards, Pierre

Articles: 552


  1. Your presets are fantastic! They are truly wonderful, and so is the fact that you do this for us, without charging. I have not been disappointed by any of your presets, and I know that is not going to change! Can’t wait for your future work! Thanks!

  2. Hello,

    This may be a stupid question but, can these presets be used in PSE? I’m a scrapbooker and would love to have the quick easy way to adjust my photo’s. I love apperture but could never afford it. I have an iMac and have only been able to find presets that have to be purchased. TIA


  3. Hi Fredrik,
    You can do the same in Camera raw, but to be able to do that you need to know the adjustment values of the preset.
    Easiest way to do it is to download a trial version of Lightroom and copy the values to Camera raw. OR you can apply one of the presets to a photo. Then, export the image and select DNG as file format.
    DNG will save all your adjustments data into the image so next time you open the image in Camera raw it will have all settings already set.
    If you are satisfied with the adjustments, save the settings as a preset in Camera raw to be able to use it again on other photos.
    I hope one day that Adobe will make a converter that make this step much easier.

    Without Lightroom.
    Another way to do it is to open the preset file in a text editor, and look for the numbers for each adjustment (might be hard to understand when you see it) and then enter them into Camera raw.

    I hope this help you out.
    Best regards, Pierre

  4. Hey !

    I just discovered your site today, it’s great !!
    I’m clicking on each link for an hour now, thank you for what you’re doing !
    You seem to handle very well lightroom (sorry for my english, i’m french …)

    Do you think it’s possible to have the same stylish/smooth/pinky look with lightroom as on those pictures (i found roaming a few days ago on fbspin.com)


    i found a soft, named “toycamera analog color” that makes something really nice but i don’t know if it’s possible to make the same thing with lightroom…

    anyway i’ll give a try of your ‘wow’ presets on my pictures, it looks nice !!!

    thanks man !

  5. I have just come across your website and am grateful for my children s day sleep so I can get lost in reading your site. Thank you for sharing. I am inspired and enjoy learning from people like you.

  6. Thanks So MUCH!! I’ve been struggling to get this fashion look, like you find in catalogs or W, etc. Perfect. Thanks again!!

  7. Thank you so much for offering these. I’ve spent hours trying to get a similar look and it just wasnt quite right. This saved me and gave me the exact look I wanted! Thank you for the excellent contribution!!!

  8. I just want to say thank you!!!! big time~!!!! for all the wonderful presets by yourself and the other contributors! I’m having fun playing with some of my old photo’s!
    Thanks again!

  9. I love the Fashion shoot presets and many of the free presets you have posted. I am part-time photographer and don’t make a lot of money to spend on presets. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful work!

  10. I feel like a dummy, but I don’t know how to import the downloaded presets into Lightroom. Any tricks?

  11. Hey, very nice preset and very generous of you to share them with us – really appreciate it!

  12. Hi, great stuff, really, use it a lot. Any chance to convert these to Lightroom 4/5 (2012 Process)?

  13. Hi, I just found your site and wanted to download some of the presets you have. When I do so and try to extract it gives me an error message regarding encryption. It is showing the file as MACOSX? Can you help? I am using Windows.

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