6 new presets to “wow” your photos

I’ve been sitting here for hours now. Playing around in Lightroom, testing and adjusting before I finally got satisfied. Photoshop have a nice feature called “Curve adjustments” where you can change the color channels (RGB) separately with a few clicks with your mouse. I really wish Lightroom had that feature built in. Anyway, I started this session by doing some curve adjustments in Photoshop. When I was satisfied I tried to accomplish the same result in Lightroom. It’s really not that easy, I can tell for sure. A couple hours of testing and I’m sitting here with 6 new presets. Actually it is a set of three presets with two options each; one with vingettes and one without.

For this specific preset collection I have made a special preview image with more than one example/sooc image. It gives you a better grip of how they work on different photos. I hope you like them.

Click image to view full size

PH Fashion shot (270758 downloads )

If you are a Lightroom lover like myself you probably going to adore this place. It's the paradise for all people who are looking for Lightroom presets. Make sure you subscribe to my posts to be first with the latest contributions. I wish you a very pleasant stay. Regards, Pierre

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