If you are a Lightroom lover like myself you probably going to adore this place. It's the paradise for all people who are looking for Lightroom presets. Make sure you subscribe to my posts to be first with the latest contributions. I wish you a very pleasant stay. Regards, Pierre
Fantastic! What a fun idea to post a preset each day. Thank you!
Hello, are all the 365 presets “LR4-ready”? Are they all new or are they taken “from the archieve”? In this case it would be quite a hazle to find out which one is wich. :-(
Hi Dirk, They are all brand new and made for LR4 :-) Thanks, Pierre
Thanks Lori! /Pierre
PERFECT – Thank you! Bookmark is set.
Any place where I can find number 1 again..I guess I didnt hit save…
Fantastic! What a fun idea to post a preset each day. Thank you!
are all the 365 presets “LR4-ready”?
Are they all new or are they taken “from the archieve”?
In this case it would be quite a hazle to find out which one is wich. :-(
Hi Dirk,
They are all brand new and made for LR4 :-)
Thanks Lori!
PERFECT – Thank you!
Bookmark is set.
Any place where I can find number 1 again..I guess I didnt hit save…
Ho Kristina,
Here’s #1 again: http://www.presetsheaven.com/presets/preset-001-of-365/
Hint: look in the menu above called “presets” ;-)
Do they all work in LR3 as I don’t have the money to purchase 4 yet? By the way huge thank you for the presets they are fantastic. x
Hi Lee,
All these presets are made for LR4.
This may be a stupid question but how do you download them to lightroom