Cold Desire gives a soft blue tone…

It's time for a new preset. This time I've made one that might make your photos look sterile or medical, if you know what I mean. It will boost the contrast, fade the colors and apply a blue tone to the shadows and a touch of beige to the highlights. I also added some vignettes to add some depth to the photo. I sure like the feeling of it and I hope you will as well. Happy downloading until we "meet" again.

It’s time for a new preset. This time I’ve made one, called “Cold Desire“, that might make your photos look sterile or medical, if you know what I mean. It will boost the contrast, fade the colors and apply a blue tone to the shadows and a touch of beige to the highlights. I also added some vignettes to add some depth to the photo. I sure like the feeling of it and I hope you will as well. Happy downloading until we “meet” again.

Preset in action


PH Cold Desire:

PH Cold Desire (30444 downloads )


If you are a Lightroom lover like myself you probably going to adore this place. It's the paradise for all people who are looking for Lightroom presets. Make sure you subscribe to my posts to be first with the latest contributions. I wish you a very pleasant stay. Regards, Pierre

Articles: 552


  1. Thank you Thank you Thank you for all the wonderful presets. I have been addicted to LR since it came out and use it more and more often. Thank you for the presets, and I’ll definitely be subscribing.


  2. I’m glad to hear you like what you see Erika.
    You got some nice photos on your site!

  3. Thank you so much Melinda! I’m glad you like my work. :-) I saw your site – Great work!
    All the best!

  4. Thank you so much! I am finding so many awesome things on here. Seriously, Adobe should pay you. I only have the 30 day free trial right now, but I will be buying LR before then becuase of how impressed I am using all these presets on it!

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