“George” asked me if I knew about a preset that make the photos look like if they came out from a Holga cam (Holga is a toy camera that makes your photos look twisted in a cool way with strange colors and exposure). I didn’t even google it; I just started to play around in Lightroom to make one of my own :-) It ended up with 4 presets. Two of them are a little more discreet and the other two pops out a bit more with “random” placed color spots. The presets are available in two types of vignettes, light and dark…
Presets in action
PH Holga Light:
PH Holga Light spots:
PH Holga Dark:
PH Holga Dark spots:
well, if asking works that great – do you know any good preset that emulates the old color polaroid look? That neonish look? :)
Hi Georg!
I’m working on a new preset right now that will simulate the polaroid effect. Stay tuned and subscribe to my posts either by RSS or email to be one of the first to know when it will be available.
Thank you SO much for this great blog! I’m new to Lightroom, but have enjoyed your presets and have lured a few friends your way too. Thanks!
Thank you Heidi! How sweet of you, telling your friends about my site :-)