Get your banner now.

I've noticed that many of you have links on your site that refers to mine (great!). If you like, you can replace that link in your sidebar/page with one of these new PH banners I've created. Please let me know if you need another size of the banner.

Hello dear friends!

I’ve noticed that many of you have links on your site that refers to mine (great!). If you like, you can replace that link in your sidebar/page with one of these new PH banners I’ve created. Please let me know if you need another size of the banner.

Banner 1 (180*70px):

Code (select and copy to your site):
<a href="" title="I'm a big fan of Presets Heaven"><img src="" alt="
I'm a big fan of Presets Heaven" style="border:none;"/></a>

Banner 2 (200*70px):

Code (select and copy to your site):
<a href="" title="I'm a big fan of Presets Heaven"><img src="" alt="
I'm a big fan of Presets Heaven" style="border:none;"/></a>

Banner 3 (250*70px):

Code (select and copy to your site):
<a href="" title="I'm a big fan of Presets Heaven"><img src="" alt="
I'm a big fan of Presets Heaven" style="border:none;"/></a>

Please let me know if you are using any of these banners on your site, write a comment :-)

Take care and have a nice day!


If you are a Lightroom lover like myself you probably going to adore this place. It's the paradise for all people who are looking for Lightroom presets. Make sure you subscribe to my posts to be first with the latest contributions. I wish you a very pleasant stay. Regards, Pierre

Articles: 552


  1. If you want, I can customiez it for PH Fans!!! – They can create their own banner, upload and have their own image on the banner with PH logo and text on the bottom of the banner… But I already have you in my favorites and on my website as link…

    PH Rocks!
    Chirag Patel

  2. Very well done, a great job……it’s months I’m sponsoring PH and now we can have such a professional banner!! Great…..keep things going on!!!


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