Category Presets

Lightroom presets for all your needs.

2 free Lightroom presets for cold mornings

At this time of the year its pretty cold outside during breakfast time (at least where I live). I thought a preset in the name of Cold mornings would be nice to illustrate my feelings. So here it is, a…

2 more infrared presets in color!

As I wrote in my last post, I’ve been working on another infrared preset with colors. I’ve been tweaking around with it back and forth until satisfaction was achieved. So here it is; the shiny new Infrared colorized set. It…

2 free BW infrared presets for Lightroom

These are my first Lightroom presets with the exploiting name “Infrared“. The usability of these presets might not be the best when it comes to professional photographers editing (they usually not like big modifications of photos). But hey, I believe…

4 free Daido Moriyama presets for Lightroom

Ruben is back! This time he sent me the “Daido Moriyama Kit“. It’s a collection of 4 free presets with different amounts of the effect. These presets makes a gritty harsh black and white effect to use with high-ISO photos.…