Hi all Lightroom lovers!
Since you probably are here because of the presets I publish, why not take the time to join the first preset contest from Presetsheaven.
In cooperation with Wonderland presets you Now have the chance to be one of three lucky winners of a professional preset kit ($39.99 value)!!!
The rules are simple.
- Download the free contest presets from Wonderland.
Get the free presets from here.
- Apply one of the Wonderland presets to your favorite photo
Only one preset of Wonderlands free presets kit can be used in this contest - Send your photo to [email protected] before the end of January 2009.
Every contribution has to include both the original file (compressed – max 1MB filesize) and the “presetted” one, together with the name of the preset used. - A contestant can only send in 1 contribution to the contest
Please, be sure to read the fully contest rules, -terms and -conditions below before entering the contest.
Presetsheaven Presets Contest 2009
Photo Formats/Submission
Entries can be either color or black and white images. Digital images can be submitted to [email protected]. Be sure to include the phrase “Preset Contest” in the subject heading of your email. We ask that digital images not exceed 1MB in file size. By submitting said photographs for the Photo Contest, photographers agree to full/unrestricted use of submitted photos by www.presetsheaven.com at any time. Photos will not be returned. Entries must be submitted by the end of Jan. 2009 to be accepted for this contest. We are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any photos submitted which are lost or damaged.
Winners of the contest will be announced on Feb. 14h.
Image Modifications
Images must be of content captured via a camera and must be modified with a Lightroom Preset.
Entries will be judged based on their content and how the preset enhances the subject.
Photographers retain copyright to any submitted photographs. Photo entries must have been taken by the submitter. Do not submit any photo taken by someone other than yourself. You must be the exclusive owner of copyright for any photo submitted to the preset contest. By submitting said photo you guarantee you are the author and copyright holder of the photo.
You may submit a maximum of 1 photo for this contest Photos must be appropriate for posting on a public government website. We reserve the right, in our sole and unfettered discretion to decide what constitutes inappropriate content. Any entry if deemed inappropriate for any reason, may be disqualified at anytime. Photos containing any recognizable person or persons must be accompanied by a signed model release form signed by any recognizable person or persons in the photo. No purchase or payment is necessary to enter the contest or win.
Entries will be judged on the basis of photographic quality, creativity, and effectiveness in application of a Lightroom preset that enhances the subject. Entries may be disqualified and/or discarded for any reason including failure to comply with any portion of the official Preset Contest rules. Winning selections may be featured at the PresetsHeaven or wonderlandpresets website’s. Entries must be submitted by the end of Jan. 2009 to be accepted for the contest. Judging will take place in a closed session in the week thereafter. The winning entries will be posted and the photographers notified on Feb. 14th.
Additional Terms and Conditions
Presetsheaven.com and/or its employees cannot be held liable or responsible for any computer system, network, or program malfunction or any other errors or failures. We are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any photos submitted which are lost or damaged. By participating in the Preset Contest, you agree to release and hold harmless Presetsheaven and its employees, officers, departments, agents, and any advertising or other company with a business affiliation with the Preset Contest. Presetsheaven.com their employees, officers, departments, agents, and any affiliated companies or agencies assume no responsibility or liability for any damages, injuries, claims, causes of actions, or losses of any kind arising in whole or in part from this contest. Employees of Presetsheaven and Wonderlandpresets may not enter the preset contest.
If you accept these rules, terms and conditions above, you are welcome to join the contest.
Good luck!
Even if you’re not going to join this contest I still really think you should pay a visit to the sponsor of it:
Wonderland presets
The Wonderland presets are an awesome lot – I cycle through them (and the PH ones too of course) – almost every day on at least one photo. Many on my blog have been posted using them as a starting point.
Can we modify the picture before we apply the preset? Things like white balance, cropping, tone curves, etc.
Yes Troy,
You can modify your picture before applying the preset. No changes on the preset itself can be done though.
Good luck!
entry submitted!