Category Project 365

Lightroom preset 335 of 365

Hey! Here is Lightroom preset number 335 of 365 meaning it’s only 30 presets left in my Project 365 series! :-) This particular preset makes this photo more saturated and bright. I also added some vignettes to enhance the focus…

Lightroom preset 334 of 365

Good day! Here comes another preset from my Project 365 series. As you can see, the before image was already wonderful without me touching it. Still, I thought the details in the darker areas needed to be brought back. Some…

Lightroom preset 333 of 365

Here’s a shot I took on a very dull and rainy day. I ‘ve added some saturation, vibrance  and brighten up the shadows to make it at least a little more warm looking. This is Lightroom preset number 333 of…

Lightroom preset 332 of 365

Hello dear visitor! This is Lightroom preset number 332 of 365 from my project 365 series, were I make a brand new preset each day, for a whole year! :-) Oh by the way… this photo was taken by a…

Lightroom preset 327 of 365

Hello again, Here comes another preset from my Project 365 series. This is Lightroom preset number 327 of 365. Have you also been doing a 365 project this year? Please let the rest know what it was and how it…