Category Presets

Lightroom presets for all your needs.

Preset 026 of 365

Here comes Lightroom preset number 026 of 365, a special one. This one is made using on of our visitors photos that were sent in on our facebook page yesterday. Normally we develop our presets for RAW images but since this original photo was a JPEG, the preset is also optimized for that.

Preset 024 of 365

Today we're presenting Lightroom preset number 024 of 365 in our Project 365 series. This one is kind of a HDR preset that works perfect for this particular photo of some fishes.

Preset 021 of 365

So it's time once again to publish a new Lightroom preset. This time number 21 of 365 is out. I played a lot this time before I got pleased with the result.