Category Presets

Lightroom presets for all your needs.

Preset 046 of 365

It's Friday again. The best day of the week don't you think ? ;-) I've been totally knocked out by a flue for a couple of days. Did barely make it yesterday when I had to sit down by my computer and create a preset. I feel much better now though so here comes Lightroom preset number 046 of 365. Enjoy!

Lightroom Vintage Dia emulation preset

Here’s a Lightroom preset that I received from Fredrik, one of my childhood friends. “I’ve been trying to recreate that old warm feeling in the old color photos from the middle of the 2000th century. It was not easy and…

Preset 040 of 365

I usually just pick a photo randomly from my library. This one needed some restoration of the shadow areas to bring back some details :-) Enjoy preset number 040 of 365 and have a very nice weekend!

Preset 039 of 365

Finally Friday again :-) This preset is more of a repair-preset. As always in this series, I’ve specifically made it for the photo you see below. Notice the blown out areas behind the man with the camera and how the…