Category LR4

Lightroom preset 295 of 365

Hello folks! Here comes Lightroom preset number 295 of 365 in my Project 365 series (click link to find out more). This time the preset bring back the details and light in this concert photo, that I took a very…

Lightroom preset 292 of 365

Greetings folks! I really hope you’ve enjoyed the day so far. :-) Here comes today’s free Lightroom preset. Number 292 of 365 from my Project 365 series. In this this particular one I’ve changed the white balance of the photo…

Lightroom preset 290 of 365

This is Lightroom preset number 290 of 365. I’ve adjusted some brightness and contrast in this photo. The last thing I did before I exported it was to remove the vignettes around the corners of the photo. Original  / Before:…