Lightroom preset 076 of 365
Here it is, today’s free Lightroom preset. This one is called “Only Green” and was just a fun way of isolating a specific color in Lightroom. You can easily change it to another color using the saturation sliders in the…
Here it is, today’s free Lightroom preset. This one is called “Only Green” and was just a fun way of isolating a specific color in Lightroom. You can easily change it to another color using the saturation sliders in the…
Hello folks! Here comes today’s free Lightroom preset. This is number 075 of 365! The photo is from a trip to Venice, Italy. You should go there if you’re looking for some good ice cream (Gelato) :-) Original / before:…
Here comes Lightroom preset number 074 of 365. Enjoy! Original / before: After:
Here comes Lightroom preset number 073 of 365. A landscape colorizer :-) Original / before: After:
Good morning, day or evening wherever you are :-) Here comes Lightroom preset number 072 0f 365 in my Project 365 series. For those who wants to save time… – Each month can be purchased from here. Original/before: After:
Here comes Lightroom preset 071 of 365. This one adds a red punch to the darker areas. Original / before: After:
Monday is probably not the best day for everyone right? So let me bring you into a better mood by presenting today’s Lightroom preset. Say hey to number 070 of 365 and enjoy. In case you didn’t already know it.…
Here is today’s Lightroom preset number 069 of 365, waiting to be downloaded. There are over two months of presets already made so far :-) For those who wants to save time – Each month can be purchased from here.…
Here’s Lightroom preset 068 of 365. Enjoy. Small adjustments can create great impact. Just a friendly reminder that you also can follow me and my daily updates by Instagram. Just look for username: presetsheaven Original / before: After:
Here’s Lightroom preset number 067 of 365 in the Project 365 series. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I’ve also set up a special Instagram account so that you all can follow me that way too (There’s a button…